Journal Article


Java Furniture Makers: Winners or Losers from Globalisation?

Published on 1 January 2005

This article is concerned with the question of whether participation in the global economy leads to sustainable income growth. It examines the furniture industry of Central Java, which has grown rapidly since the financial crisis in 1997.

The article shows that the exporting small and medium-sized enterprises generated substantial employment and income growth. However, this growth is not sustainable because the viability of exports has become dependent on wood which is logged illegally and risks depletion. Government and donor projects aimed at small enterprises risk driving these enterprises deeper into the race to the bottom. The article then discusses ways to avoid this, stressing the need for a coalition of public and private actors along the local–global axis.

Cite this publication

Loebis, L. and Schmitz, H. (2005) 'Java furniture makers: Globalisation winners or losers?', Development in Practice, 15:3-4, 514-521, doi: 10.1080/09614520500075979


Hubert Schmitz

Emeritus Fellow

Lienda Loebis

Publication details

published by
Taylor & Francis Online
Schmitz, H. and Loebis, L.
Development and Practice, volume 15, issue 3-4


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