
Living on the Move: Kinna, Kenya; Global dialogue report

Published on 17 February 2025

People who live a life on the move are aware that they are often seen as undesirable and
dangerous. The 23 people gathered at the riverside to inform the Bellagio initiative dialogue on philanthropy and development want to put the record straight. In different ways, they each live life on the move, some driven by war and violence, others choosing economic migration, yet others are born into a mobile life. Their movement encompasses Somalia, Kenya, Sudan and Ethiopia, UK and beyond. As each one speaks it becomes increasingly clear that a successful life on the move is not a selfish thing. It generates a remarkable philanthropy.

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Scott-Villas, P. Reidy, E (2011) 'Living on the Move: Kinna, Kenya' Bellagion Initiative Global Dialogue Report IDS: Brighton

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