
IDS Policy Briefing 118

Migration, Mobility and Marginalisation: Consequences for Sexual and Gender Minorities

Published on 1 May 2016

As a strategy to avoid discrimination, violence and economic marginalisation, sexual and gender non-conforming people often turn to migration as a route to achieve independence and build social capital.

Recent studies by the IDS Sexuality, Poverty and Law programme demonstrate that while migration can provide liberation from some experiences of marginalisation and an ability to contribute economically towards family households, for many it leads to a precarious existence. To ensure these groups are not ‘left behind’ in development, policymakers and aid programming must recognise and address marginalisation of these groups as part of overall strategies to reduce risks of migration.

Cite this publication

Wood, S. (2016) 'Migration, Mobility and Marginalisation: Consequences for Sexual and Gender Minorities', IDS Policy Briefing 118, Brighton: IDS


Stephen Wood

Research Officer

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published by
Wood, S
IDS Policy Briefing, issue 118


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Programmes and centres
Sexuality, Poverty and Law Programme

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