This report presents the midterm findings from an impact evaluation of the Millennium Villages Project (MVP) in northern Ghana. The MVP has been designed to demonstrate how an integrated approach to community-led development can translate the international Millennium Development Goals into results.
Central to the MVP approach is the synergistic value of integrated community-based investments, focused on scientifically proven interventions, delivered simultaneously rather than as one-off investments. The project in northern Ghana has been running in three districts since May 2012, investing over £11 million on health, education, agriculture and infrastructure interventions in 35 communities, and reaching around 30,000 people.
This is the midterm report based on the third survey round of household data (2012, 2013 and 2014), complemented by additional qualitative studies (reality check approach, interpretational lens or participatory rural appraisal study and the institutional analysis). This evaluation uses a mixed methods approach to impact evaluation, founded on a difference-in-difference design that compares changes in outcomes in the MVP areas before implementation to post-implementation, with changes in the same outcomes for an explicit control group (split into nearby and faraway controls).