
IDS Policy Briefing 61

On a Wing and a Prayer? Challenges for Reducing Armed Violence

Published on 1 May 2014

Most deaths due to violence now occur outside traditional conflict settings. In these contexts, violence is complex and often hard to understand, linked to a variety of conditions, situations and trends which are deeply embedded and difficult to shift without considerable investment, contextual knowledge and risk.

Development is indispensible to reducing armed violence, while aid efforts are expected to be informed by rigorous evidence and qualify as good value for money. Therefore, defining and determining success in this field is urgently needed. This policy briefing explores the challenges of generating better evidence as well as how to respond to complexity, proposing where efforts should be focused.

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Lind, J. (2014) On a Wing and a Prayer? Challenges for Reducing Armed Violence, IDS Policy Briefing 61, Brighton: IDS


Jeremy Lind

Professorial Fellow

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published by
Lind, J
IDS Policy Briefing, issue 61


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Programmes and centres
Addressing and mitigating violence

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