
Participatory mapping in e-Thekwini Municipality, South Africa

Published on 3 December 2024

Greater ICT availability in South Africa suggests a growing possibility for citizens to use mobile phones and Internet to hold government accountable. However, there is a paucity of literature that maps ICT-mediated engagement initiatives within marginalised sub-populations. This case study attempts to explore this gap. The study provides reflective insights into ICT and local governance within the ‘Empowering Street Traders through Urban Disaster Risk Management’ project. The study asks, in terms of local governance, how were the ICT tools used to support traders in the markets of Warwick Junction, eThekwini municipality? This study looks at what lessons can be drawn from the ICT project that embedded digital mapping tools, Ushahidi and Frontline SMS, in order to support the informal workers’ demands for better occupational health practices. This research also hopes to positively contribute future engagement with ICTs amongst market traders around public health issues.

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Diga, K. (2017) Participatory mapping in e-Thekwini Municipality, South Africa. Case Study. IT for Change.

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IT for Change
Diga, Kathleen


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South Africa

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