Journal Article

Conflict, Security & Development 17.3

Political Settlements as a Violent Process: Deconstructing the Relationship Between Political Settlements and Intrinsic, Instrumental and Resultant Forms of Violence

Published on 15 June 2017

This article explores the opportunities and conundrums of understanding violence at critical junctures following ruptures in political orders through the prism of political settlements. While there is an emerging body of scholarship on political settlements, we specifically examine its relationship to violence, which we argue has been under-theorised.

Through comparative country case studies (Bangladesh, Egypt, Kenya, Sierra Leone), we examine in a historicised manner how these types of settlements interact with various forms of violence at various scales. The article reconceptualises political settlements in relation to three forms of violence, intrinsic, instrumental and resultant, and shows how multi-scale dynamics and formal/informal interactions shape the violent nature of political settlements in different contexts.

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Mariz Tadros & Jeremy Allouche (2017) Political settlements as a violent process: deconstructing the relationship between political settlements and intrinsic, instrumental and resultant forms of violence, Conflict, Security & Development, 17:3, 187-204, DOI: 10.1080/14678802.2017.1319699


Mariz Tadros

Director (CREID)

Jeremy Allouche

Professorial Fellow

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Conflict, Security & Development


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