Working Paper

APRA Working Paper;69

Politics, Power and Social Differentiation in African Agricultural Value Chains: The Effects of COVID-19

Published on 1 October 2021

Since the structural adjustment policies of the 1980s, policymaking at a national and continental level has increasingly turned to agricultural commercialisation as the foundation for Africa’s long-term nutrition and food security. However, socio-economic inequalities, land tenure and food insecurity, as well as livelihood and income precarities remain widespread challenges.

The effects of shocks, such as COVID-19, have overlaid emergent and entrenched patterns of social differentiation that shape access to resources, markets, and other opportunities for those involved in commercial agriculture. This paper considered the impacts of COVID-19 on value chains in Ethiopia, Ghana, Malawi, Nigeria, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe, to ask: 1) What can political settlements analyses tell us about agricultural value chains and responses to COVID-19 in the countries studied? 2) How are structures and power relations throughout the value chains and actors’ responses to COVID-19 related to social differentiation in the context of African agriculture?

Cite this publication

Bellwood-Howard, I. and Dancer, H. (2021) Politics, Power and Social Differentiation in African Agricultural Value Chains: The Effects of COVID-19, APRA Working Paper 69, Brighton: Future Agricultures Consortium, DOI: 10.19088/APRA.2021.027


Imogen Bellwood-Howard

Research Fellow

Senior Lecturer in the School of Law, Politics and Sociology, University of Sussex

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Agricultural Policy Research in Africa


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