Journal Article

Nature Sustainability

Principles for Knowledge Co-production in Sustainability Research

Published on 20 January 2020

Research practice, funding agencies and global science organisations suggest that research aimed at addressing sustainability challenges is most effective when ‘co-produced’ by academics and non-academics.

Co-production promises to address the complex nature of contemporary sustainability challenges better than more traditional scientific approaches. But definitions of knowledge co-production are diverse and often contradictory. We propose a set of four general principles that underlie high-quality knowledge co-production for sustainability research. Using these principles, we offer practical guidance on how to engage in meaningful co-productive practices, and how to evaluate their quality and success.


The article can be accessed at Nature Sustainability (paywall).



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Norström, A.V., Cvitanovic, C., Löf, M.F., Leach, M. et al. Principles for knowledge co-production in sustainability research. Nat Sustain (2020) doi:10.1038/s41893-019-0448-2


Melissa Leach

Emeritus Fellow

Albert V. Norström
Christopher Cvitanovic
Marie F. Löf

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