
ESRC-DFID Research Impact

Raising Awareness of Environmental Change in the Maldives

Published on 1 August 2019

Island communities in the Maldives are experiencing environmental change on a daily basis due to coastal erosion, the accumulation of waste at sea and on beaches, and the rapid expansion of the built environment. Researchers from the Universities of Manchester and Reading in the UK, and the Maldivian NGO ENDEVOR, are working with these communities to understand how such changes affect day-to-day life, and to raise awareness of associated issues amongst decision makers in the national capital, Malé. An exhibition of 40 photographs taken by island inhabitants depicting the challenges they face in their daily lives was held at the National Art Gallery in Malé. The exhibition launch, attended by the photographers and policymakers, proved particularly effective in enabling island residents to raise their concerns and put forward their solutions.

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Arnall, A., and Kothari, U. (2019) Raising Awareness of Environmental Change in the Maldives, ESRC-DFID Research Impact, Brighton: IDS and The Impact Initiative.

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Institute of Development Studies and The Impact Initiative
Arnall, A., and Kothari, U


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