On 8 December 2023, SSHAP convened a roundtable discussion on social science research in epidemic preparedness and response in Senegal. The event was organised in Dakar by the Centre Régional de Recherche et de Formation à la Prise en Charge Clinique de Fann (CRCF) based at the Centre Hospitalier National Universitaire (CHNU), and the Centre des Opérations d’Urgence Sanitaire (COUS). It took place in the Conseil National de Lutte contre le SIDA. The objectives were to:
- Share strategic information derived primarily from social science research with the various actors involved in epidemic preparedness and response;
- Help the actors put in place targeted and appropriate interventions for future epidemics; and
- Highlight the roles social science researchers can play in preparing for and responding to epidemics.
This report shares a summary of considerations from the roundtable discussion. The report also includes background information about Senegal’s epidemic preparedness and response system as well as the challenges the system faces. This additional information is based on a review of scientific articles and various public health and social science documents from research and other institutions.
This report is available in English and French.