Journal Article


The Faith Factor in Development

Published on 5 September 2011

Many faith-based organisations engaging in development are contesting not only the practical implications of reductionist development policies, but also questioning the very political and ideological assumptions behind them.

Human flourishing is one alternative reimagining of development, put forward by some faith-based organisations, which seeks to shed light on the limitations of existing mainstream development paradigms that fail to take into account relational dimensions of wellbeing and its non-material aspects. However, knowledge of faith-inspired reimaginings of development is still marginal, and the dynamics behind this have as much to do with the positionality and standpoint of the actors as with the very  substance of the agenda being put forward, whether in terms of alternative visions or critiques to existing ones.


Mariz Tadros

Director (CREID)

Publication details

published by
Tadros, M.
Haddad, L., Hossain, N., McGregor, J. A. and Mehta, L.
IDS Bulletin, volume 42, issue 5


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