Journal Article


The Impact and Effectiveness of Transparency and Accountability Initiatives

Published on 1 July 2013

This issue of Development Policy Review arises from a study of the impact and effectiveness of transparency and accountability initiatives (TAIs) in different development sectors. It analyses existing evidence, discusses how approaches to learning about TAIs might be improved, and recommends how impact and effectiveness could be enhanced.

Articles in this Special Issue:

  • Gaventa, J. and McGee, R.: The Impact of Transparency and Accountability Initiatives
  • Joshi, A.: Do They Work? Assessing the Impact of Transparency and Accountability Initiatives in Service Delivery
  • Carlitz, R.: Improving Transparency and Accountability in the Budget Process: An Assessment of Recent Initiatives
  • Calland, R. and Bentley, K.: The Impact and Effectiveness of Transparency and Accountability Initiatives: Freedom of Information
  • Mejia Acosta, A.:The Impact and Effectiveness of Accountability and Transparency Initiatives: The Governance of Natural Resources
  • McGee, R.: Aid Transparency and Accountability: ‘Build it and they’ll come?’


Rosemary McGee

Research Fellow

John Gaventa

Research Fellow and Director, Action for Empowerment and Accountability (A4EA) programme

Publication details

published by
Overseas Development Institute
McGee, R. and Gaventa, J.
McGee, R. and Gaventa, J.
Development Policy Review (Special Issue), volume 31, issue Issue Sublement s1


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