
IDS Policy Briefing 74

Using Foresight to Cope with Uncertainty

Published on 1 September 2014

In an increasingly uncertain world where resources are limited, foresight thinking and approaches provide a critical way for governments and communities to understand and plan for the future.

Using foresight techniques can contribute to the development of policies that are robust and fit for purpose. Foresight practitioners have an important role to play in the design and implementation of these processes. However, more needs to be done to ensure that such initiatives are properly supported and the capacity of policy thinktanks and foresight practitioners strengthened in developing country contexts. Increasingly, foresight processes should harness advances in information and communication technology (ICT) to facilitate broader citizen participation in policymaking.

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Bingley, K. (2014) 'Using Foresight to Cope with Uncertainty', IDS Policy Briefing 74, Brighton: IDS

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Bingley, K
IDS Policy Briefing, issue 74


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