Coordination of the Disability Inclusive Development Networks
This project involves the coordination of a cohort of ten research networks that are funded under the AHRC International Networks for...
Showing 1–8 of 8 results
This project involves the coordination of a cohort of ten research networks that are funded under the AHRC International Networks for...
21 May 2019
Published by: ICTD and IDS
Tax revenue administration in Uganda went through a series of reforms from 1991–2014, with the height of these reforms occurring from 2004–2014.
4 April 2019
Published by: ICTD and IDS
Several tax revenue administrations have implemented significant reforms along their journeys with the aim of attaining higher tax...
1 February 2017
Published by: IDS
This report highlights the ideas and practices that underlie the work of crowdsourcing intermediaries: actors who collect and analyse citizen feedback using digital platforms, and use it to support positive change. Most studies of crowdsourcing initiatives in the transparency and accountability field are primarily concerned with representation (whose voice is being heard?) and impact (what kind of change is being supported?).
17 February 2016
Published by: IDS
This Report asks how a market systems approach could be applied to improve poor households’ access to nutrient-dense foods. By ‘market systems approach’ we mean methods that identify and address underlying constraints in market transactions, their supporting functions and the institutional environment in which markets operate, and which are preventing markets from delivering desired outcomes.
1 April 2014
Published by: GSDRC
This rapid review collates a large amount of literature published in 2013 and 2014 (up to April 2014) on the topic of gender in fragile and conflict-affected situations (FCAS). It is not a systematic or exhaustive review, but does provide a comprehensive overview of the literature available
Using Information Crowdsourcing Tools, Open Data Initiatives and Digital Media to Support and Protect the Vulnerable.