
IDS response to COVID-19

Published on 12 March 2020

COVID-19 has been declared a global pandemic  by the World Health Organization (WHO) which has urged strong government and community action worldwide.  In response, the Institute of Development of Studies (IDS) has decided to act swiftly to help reduce the spread of the virus, while continuing to deliver on our projects, teach our students and maintain our operational functions.

We have introduced a range of measures that will limit social interaction and potential transmission.   These ‘socially-distanced’ ways of working include home working, teaching online, rescheduling and postponing or cancelling events. In all but exceptional circumstances we have stopped work-related international travel. We are confident we will continue to deliver our teaching and research during this difficult period, whilst playing our part in supporting our staff, students and the wider community.

We will continue to review these measures on an ongoing basis.

We know from our research on epidemics that community action is an essential part of effective responses, and this has informed our decision to put in place these measures.

During this challenging time, we will seek to uphold our collegiality and community spirit, operate with compassion and kindness and view this as an opportunity to innovate whilst playing our part in dealing with this global situation.

Key contacts

Hannah Corbett

Head of Communications and Engagement

+44 (0)1273 915640


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