The Human Development Index (HDI) is a summary measure of key dimensions of human development: a long and healthy life, a good education, and having a decent standard of living. Here are the countries around the world listed from highest to lowest in 2018:
Country | Human Development Index |
Norway | 0.962 |
Iceland | 0.959 |
Switzerland | 0.959 |
Hong Kong | 0.949 |
Germany | 0.945 |
Denmark | 0.942 |
Sweden | 0.942 |
Australia | 0.941 |
Singapore | 0.94 |
Netherlands | 0.939 |
Ireland | 0.937 |
Finland | 0.936 |
New Zealand | 0.936 |
Belgium | 0.933 |
Canada | 0.933 |
United Kingdom | 0.929 |
Liechtenstein | 0.928 |
United States | 0.927 |
Japan | 0.923 |
Luxembourg | 0.922 |
Israel | 0.919 |
South Korea | 0.919 |
Austria | 0.917 |
Slovenia | 0.917 |
Malta | 0.91 |
United Arab Emirates | 0.909 |
France | 0.901 |
Spain | 0.901 |
Very high human development (UNDP) | 0.898 |
Czechia | 0.894 |
Italy | 0.893 |
Cyprus | 0.892 |
Estonia | 0.891 |
Greece | 0.886 |
Lithuania | 0.88 |
Bahrain | 0.879 |
Poland | 0.877 |
Andorra | 0.872 |
Latvia | 0.866 |
Saudi Arabia | 0.865 |
Portugal | 0.86 |
San Marino | 0.86 |
Slovakia | 0.859 |
Chile | 0.856 |
Croatia | 0.856 |
Qatar | 0.853 |
Argentina | 0.85 |
Hungary | 0.849 |
Russia | 0.841 |
Turkey | 0.839 |
Kuwait | 0.836 |
Montenegro | 0.834 |
Oman | 0.834 |
Brunei | 0.83 |
Bahamas | 0.827 |
Romania | 0.827 |
Uruguay | 0.819 |
Belarus | 0.818 |
Trinidad and Tobago | 0.815 |
Kazakhstan | 0.814 |
Panama | 0.814 |
Costa Rica | 0.811 |
Mauritius | 0.811 |
Bulgaria | 0.809 |
Serbia | 0.808 |
Malaysia | 0.807 |
Albania | 0.806 |
Georgia | 0.804 |
Seychelles | 0.8 |
Antigua and Barbuda | 0.798 |
Europe and Central Asia (UNDP) | 0.798 |
Barbados | 0.797 |
Grenada | 0.797 |
Thailand | 0.795 |
Iran | 0.787 |
Cuba | 0.783 |
Ukraine | 0.783 |
North Macedonia | 0.779 |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | 0.779 |
Palau | 0.778 |
Mexico | 0.777 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | 0.776 |
Peru | 0.776 |
Sri Lanka | 0.776 |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | 0.775 |
Armenia | 0.771 |
Moldova | 0.768 |
Latin America and the Caribbean (UNDP) | 0.766 |
Brazil | 0.764 |
Dominican Republic | 0.764 |
Colombia | 0.763 |
Ecuador | 0.762 |
Azerbaijan | 0.757 |
China | 0.755 |
Suriname | 0.755 |
High human development (UNDP) | 0.751 |
Lebanon | 0.75 |
Maldives | 0.75 |
Saint Lucia | 0.746 |
Turkmenistan | 0.746 |
Algeria | 0.745 |
Fiji | 0.745 |
Mongolia | 0.743 |
Tunisia | 0.743 |
Tonga | 0.742 |
East Asia and the Pacific (UNDP) | 0.741 |
Venezuela | 0.738 |
World | 0.736 |
Egypt | 0.729 |
Paraguay | 0.727 |
Dominica | 0.726 |
South Africa | 0.726 |
Jordan | 0.723 |
Palestine | 0.723 |
Libya | 0.722 |
Uzbekistan | 0.72 |
Botswana | 0.716 |
Jamaica | 0.716 |
Samoa | 0.716 |
Bolivia | 0.714 |
Arab States (UNDP) | 0.711 |
Indonesia | 0.71 |
Philippines | 0.71 |
Belize | 0.706 |
Gabon | 0.706 |
Guyana | 0.701 |
Kyrgyzstan | 0.698 |
Vietnam | 0.697 |
Iraq | 0.692 |
El Salvador | 0.68 |
Morocco | 0.676 |
Cape Verde | 0.673 |
Tajikistan | 0.671 |
Nicaragua | 0.662 |
Bhutan | 0.658 |
India | 0.645 |
Medium human development (UNDP) | 0.643 |
Tuvalu | 0.642 |
Guatemala | 0.64 |
South Asia (UNDP) | 0.64 |
Marshall Islands | 0.639 |
Namibia | 0.636 |
Bangladesh | 0.635 |
Micronesia (country) | 0.633 |
Kiribati | 0.622 |
Ghana | 0.62 |
Honduras | 0.617 |
Sao Tome and Principe | 0.617 |
Eswatini | 0.607 |
Laos | 0.607 |
Timor | 0.605 |
Vanuatu | 0.603 |
Zimbabwe | 0.602 |
Equatorial Guinea | 0.601 |
Nepal | 0.601 |
Angola | 0.595 |
Cambodia | 0.591 |
Myanmar | 0.59 |
Syria | 0.58 |
Congo | 0.578 |
Cameroon | 0.577 |
Kenya | 0.577 |
Zambia | 0.572 |
Solomon Islands | 0.566 |
Comoros | 0.557 |
Mauritania | 0.556 |
Papua New Guinea | 0.554 |
Sub-Saharan Africa (UNDP) | 0.547 |
Pakistan | 0.545 |
Cote d’Ivoire | 0.542 |
Haiti | 0.541 |
Tanzania | 0.538 |
Nigeria | 0.531 |
Benin | 0.53 |
Rwanda | 0.528 |
Togo | 0.528 |
Lesotho | 0.522 |
Uganda | 0.522 |
Low human development (UNDP) | 0.518 |
Sudan | 0.514 |
Senegal | 0.512 |
Malawi | 0.51 |
Madagascar | 0.507 |
Djibouti | 0.506 |
Gambia | 0.495 |
Eritrea | 0.493 |
Ethiopia | 0.489 |
Afghanistan | 0.483 |
Liberia | 0.483 |
Guinea-Bissau | 0.482 |
Democratic Republic of Congo | 0.48 |
Sierra Leone | 0.47 |
Guinea | 0.462 |
Yemen | 0.459 |
Mozambique | 0.451 |
Burkina Faso | 0.449 |
Mali | 0.43 |
Burundi | 0.428 |
Central African Republic | 0.405 |
Niger | 0.399 |
Chad | 0.398 |
South Sudan | 0.395 |
Source: UNDP (2018). Creative Commons BY license Original has been adapted to reflect IDS branding.