
Evidence Report 24

IDS South Africa Events: Report from the Series of Events held by IDS and Partners in Johannesburg Preceding the 5th BRICS Summit in March 2013

Published on 1 September 2013

This paper reports on a series of conferences, meetings and events held by the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) and its international partners in the build up to the 5th BRICS Summit in March 2013.

These include the Future Agricultures Consortium conference, the FIM Forum-convened civil society meeting, a discussion of International Development policy, Civil society dialogues, Advisory Council meetings and Business interviews. For each event it provides an introduction, agenda and summary, as well as concluding with a section of lessons learned.

Cite this publication

Younis, M. (2013) 'IDS South Africa Events: Report from the Series of Events held by IDS and Partners in Johannesburg Preceding the 5th BRICS Summit in March 2013', IDS Evidence Report 24, Brighton: IDS


Research Officer

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published by
Younis, Musab
IDS Evidence Report, issue 24


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