

Implementation of the 1999-2003 Country Strategy for Swedish Development Cooperation with Vietnam

Published on 1 January 2002

Sida’s country strategies involve both the overall strategic orientation expressed in the five-year country strategy papers (CSPs) and the strategic detail worked out during the strategy periods. The strategies provide orientation for the planning and implementation of the country programme; they guide Sida’s dialogue activities; and they form a basis for the allocation of the agency’s administrative resources. Perhaps most importantly, successful country strategies help set a common agenda for the variety of stakeholder groups involved in the co-operation, mainly the different Sida departments in Stockholm, the Swedish Embassy, and partner organisations.

Since 1996, when the first Swedish country strategies were launched, Sida’s Department for Evaluation and Internal Audit (UTV) has commissioned four country strategy evaluations. The first two, concerning Tanzania and Mozambique, focused mainly on the process by which the CSPs were prepared, the extent to which the CSPs cohered with the underlying country and results analyses, and whether the country programmes implemented during the strategy periods were poverty oriented.


Mick Moore

Professorial Fellow

Publication details

Baulch, B. and Moore, M.P.
SIDA Evaluation Report, volume 2, issue 35


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