Past Event


China and International Development: Challenges and Opportunities

7 July 2014 13:00–14:30

Institute of Development Studies
Library Road

As China’s economic boom has transformed it from a developing country and aid recipient, to currently the world’s largest economy, what role is it playing, as a rising power and as a self-identifying developing country, in international development cooperation overseas?

As well as offering significant potential in impacting poverty reduction and economic development in low-income countries, China’s overseas investment and economic engagement is also contributing to changing international development paradigms, and represents a salient alternative to traditional donor models of aid. 

To mark the launch of the forthcoming IDS Bulletin issue “China and International Development: Challenges and Opportunities, this seminar gathers a number of experts on China’s overseas development activities, to discuss and highlight some issues and questions raised by China’s expanding presence in the development landscape, including its growing development finance activities, its impacts on fragile states, and potential opportunities for engagement and mutual learning.

Speakers include:

  • Jing Gu, Convenor, IDS Rising Powers in International Development Programme
  • Gerry Bloom, IDS Research Fellow
  • Richard Carey, Chair of International Advisory Committee of the China International Development Research Network (CIDRN) and former director of development cooperation at the OECD
  • Li Xiaoyun, Dean of the College for Humanities and Development, China Agricultural University, Chair of CIDRN

All Welcome

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