Part of the series of Sussex Development Lectures
Terry Cannon, IDS Research Fellow, presents his lecture entitled: ‘Natural Hazards, Unnatural Disasters: Why disasters can only be understood in the context of development’.
About the lecture
In the past 30 years, a great shift has taken place in “explaining” disasters: away from the notion that they are “natural” and towards the idea that people are “vulnerable”.
But what makes people vulnerable, and is it the same as poverty? This lecture explores these issues, and argues that vulnerability is a consequence of two major issues: failed or bad development, and unsuitable attitudes to risk.
About the speaker
Terry Cannon co-wrote “At Risk: Natural hazards, people’s vulnerability and disasters”, which has become one of the most widely-used sources in the field of disaster risk reduction. He is a Research Fellow in the Climate Change and Development Group at IDS, and works as an advisor to NGOs, the Red Cross and UN agencies. His main current research interest is in Bangladesh, on community-based adaptation to climate change.
This event will be followed by a drinks reception.