Past Event

Who is the digital revolution for?

28 September 2016 19:00–21:30

28 Kensington Street,

This free panel discussion, part of the Brighton Digital Festival 2016, is for anyone interested in how society and digital technology can shape each other for the common good.

In this event, we want to re-enchant the digital. We’ll reconnect with the Utopian spirit of early pioneers, and discuss aspirations and activities today for a sustainable, democratic, weightless, and liberating digital society. A panel of writers and researchers will each give their view on how we can become re-enchanted with digital technologies, and there’ll be a chance to discuss and continue the debate afterwards over a drink.


Andrew Sleigh, Producer, Lighthouse and Maker Assembly


Organiser info

For more details and other events in the Festival, visit the Brighton Digital Festival website.

This event is organised by the ESRC STEPS Centre and Sussex Humanities Lab and is part of a series on Transformations.

How to attend

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