
IDS Emeritus Fellow receives award in Chile

Published on 13 December 2022

We are delighted to share the news that noted economist and IDS Emeritus Fellow Professor Stephany Griffith-Jones has been recognised for her contributions to development in Chile.

Stephany has been named in the top 100 Senior Leaders of 2022 in the newspaper El Mercurio and the Catholic University. In it’s second year, it highlights talented individuals who are leading social change and contributing to the country’s development.

“I am delighted and honoured to receive this distinction,” said Stephany, who received the award in her capacity as a member of the Board of the Central Bank of Chile. “This year’s list includes Isabel Allende, the well-known Chilean novelist. Last year’s list included former President Lagos, whose son Senator Lagos was an MPhil student at IDS. In many ways, this award reflects the work I did at IDS, where I was privileged to collaborate with and learn from so many wonderful colleagues!”

Stephany was unanimously voted onto the Board of the Central Bank of Chile earlier this year, receiving 32 votes in favour from the Chilean Senate and becoming the third woman to join the Board in its nearly one-hundred-year history. The five-person Board defines monetary policy and makes important inputs into financial stability and regulation.

Stephany is also Financial Markets Director at the Initiative for Policy Dialogue in New York. She has previously held the position of Deputy Director of International Finance at the Commonwealth Secretariat and has worked within the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs and the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean.

She has published over 25 books and written many scholarly and journalistic articles.

Earlier this year, Stephany spoke at an IDS Sussex Development Lecture, about the role of development banks as a route to building regional and global solidarities, as part of our 2022/23 series exploring multilateralism. You can watch this here.

The IDS community would like to congratulate Stephany for this well-deserved accolade.


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