
Open data initiatives: what has GODAN Action learnt so far?

Published on 20 March 2018

This week, 19 to 23 March, IDS representatives will be taking part in a series of activities to reflect on promoting the use of open data in the agriculture and nutrition sectors, as partners in the GODAN (Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition) Action project funded by the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID).

Agricultural extension officer Sia Minja collecting data for farmer baseline studies using CIAT technologies. Lushuto, Tanzania. Credit: Georgina Smith / CIAT. For more information contact g dot smith [at] Flickr (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

GODAN Action is a three-year project which aims to enable data users, producers and intermediaries to engage effectively with open data in the agriculture and nutrition sectors. In particular, GODAN Action works to strengthen capacity, to promote common standards and best practice and to improve how impact is measured.

Now halfway through the project, GODAN Action partners will be sharing lessons with the wider research data sector, by contributing to the Research Data Alliance Eleventh Plenary and Interest Group on Agricultural Data (IGAD) pre-meetings taking place in Berlin between 19th and 23rd March.

Take part in our event on “Supporting effective engagement with research and open data in the agriculture and nutrition”

On Thursday 22 March, Alan Stanley, Digital Knowledge Manager at IDS, will be a panellist at the RDA meeting discussing how to support effective engagement with research and open data in the agriculture and nutrition, along with other GODAN Action partners.

For more information on the event, and instructions on how to join remotely, please visit the RDA event webpage.

Download our Learning Notes

Summarising and reflecting on lessons learnt so far, the project has also produced three learning notes on:

The learning notes are aimed at programme managers, impact evaluators, data publishers, data users, data intermediaries, learning practitioners, and standards developers, helping them to understand how best to engage with open data initiatives.

Access our free e-learning course on Open Data Management

As part of the project’s capacity-building work, GODAN Action have also recently called for applications to their free e-learning course on Open Data Management in Agriculture and Nutrition.

Open to applicants from around the world, the course is designed for infomediaries (including ICT workers, technologist-journalists, communication officers, librarians and extensionists), policymakers, administrators, project managers, researchers and scientists, who work in the particular areas of agriculture, nutrition, weather and climate and land data.

The overarching aim of the course is to strengthen the capacity of data producers and data consumers, and to help them manage and use open data in agriculture and nutrition.

Application deadline is 1 April 2018.

Find more information on how to apply on the GODAN website.

Follow us on Twitter

Follow @godanSec on Twitter to keep up-to-date on this week’s events in Berlin.

Image: Agricultural extension officer Sia Minja collecting data for farmer baseline studies using CIAT technologies. Lushuto, Tanzania. Credit: Georgina Smith / CIAT (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)


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