
Awa Diouf

Awa Diouf

Postdoctoral Researcher

Awa is an economist specializing in public finance in developing and transition countries. She’s particularly interested in tax issues in developing nations. Awa joined the IDS DIGITAX team to work on the Assessment of the impact of taxes on Digital financial services and the approach to designing effective taxation.

She holds a doctorate from the Université Clermont Auvergne in France, and the Initiative Prospective Agricole et Rurale (IPAR), a think tank based in Senegal. Her research focused on the taxation of the primary sector in developing countries, in particular agriculture and extractive industries in Senegal. During her thesis, Awa worked on oil rent-sharing models, the link between tax VAT exemptions and agriculture, import taxation and its effects on competitiveness, and the link between tax revenues from natural resources and agricultural productivity in Sub-Saharan Africa. Following her thesis, she coordinated two projects on the effects of Covid-19 in Senegal and the evaluation of social protection measures for vulnerable populations.


Working Paper

Taxing Mobile Money in Kenya: Impact on Financial Inclusion

Many people argue that mobile money has the potential to increase financial inclusion and improve the livelihoods of poor people in Africa. However, while many African governments impose specific taxes on mobile money transactions, very little is known about their effect on the use of mobile...

Awa Diouf
Awa Diouf & 2 others

1 June 2023

Awa Diouf’s recent work