
Palden Tsering (Chinese Pinyin: Huadancairang)

Palden Tsering (Chinese Pinyin: Huadancairang)

Postgraduate Researcher

Palden Tsering (Chinese Pinyin: Huadancairang) is from Amdo Tibet, Qinghai, China. He has worked recently as the project manager for Qinghai Plateau Nature Conservancy (PNC), a local NGO which is dedicated on the Biodiversity Conservation and Community Development around Three Rivers Region (Sanjiangyuan Area).

In 2017, he completed an MSc in Conservation and Rural Development at DICE, University of Kent. The research was designed to explore the perspectives and attitudes of Tibetan Pastoral Communities in Qinghai toward monasteries involved in conservation and development.

Previously, he has worked as the communication and outreach officer for FFI Tibetan Project from 2013 to 2016 – an organisation dedicated to providing awareness building and capability training to motivate Tibetan pastoral communities to get involved in conservation and community development projects. With a PhD under the PASTRES programme, Palden hopes to benefit from the significant research expertise within IDS, and to use PASTRES as a platform to carry on his research on the contemporary roles and changes of Traditional Tibetan Communities who are experiencing severe development processes and uncertainties on the Tibetan plateau.



PASTRES: Pastoralism, Uncertainty and Resilience

PASTRES (Pastoralism, Uncertainty and Resilience: Global Lessons from the Margins) is a research project which aims to learn from the ways that pastoralists respond to uncertainty, applying such 'lessons from the margins' to global challenges.



Journal Article

COVID-19 and Pastoralism: Reflections from Three Continents

The Journal Peasant Studies;

Focusing on pastoralism, this article reflects on five diverse cases across Africa, Asia and Europe and asks: how have COVID-19 disease control measures affected mobility and production practices, marketing opportunities, land control, labour relations, local community support and...

Giulia Simula
Giulia Simula & 5 others

21 October 2020