
Pedro Prieto Martín

Pedro Prieto Martín

Honorary Associate

Pedro Prieto Martín is a Honorary Associate at the Institute of Development Studies and his work aligns closely with the Digital and Technology Cluster and the Participation, Inclusion and Social Change Cluster. His activist-researcher work focuses on the areas of Open Government, Human Centred Design and in digital practices, tools and methods for accountability, citizen engagement and social change. He worked at IDS from April 2016 to January 2024.

Pedro’s academic background includes degrees in Computer Science, Business Administration and Sociology. Pedro worked for six years for Hewlett-Packard in Germany, as Technical Lead of a B2B platforms development team. Afterwards, he researched for a year on Participatory Budgeting and ICT for social change in Brazil, and for four years in Guatemala, working on Municipal Participation and Transparency. In Spain, he supported and researched at the local level, the social mobilisation processes that resulted from the “indignados”/15M movement around new political parties.

At IDS he has done work on the application of Frontier Technologies to development challenges and on adaptive management: he researched adaptiveness in the context of ICT for governance initiatives, led the communications and outreach workstream of the USAID/DFID “Global Learning on Adaptive Management” programme,  and has supported adaptive programmes such as CLARISSA and POTENCIAR.

Other online profiles:

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POTENCIAR: Building partnerships for Inclusion, Participation and Action

POTENCIAR is a programme focused on addressing accountability and governance issues undermining the delivery of basic services in Mozambique. The programme takes an innovative research-led and knowledge-centred adaptive approach to achieving inclusive development outcomes via a series of...



Decidim: why digital tools for democracy need to be developed democratically

New digital platforms for citizens' initiatives, such as Decidim, are becoming more popular. Adrian Smith and Pedro Prieto Martín argue that the technology itself should also be developed in a democratic way, thereby ensuring such instruments can establish themselves as tools for democracy in...

Adrian Smith

17 March 2023


Adaptiveness through ‘simplest tools and practices’

In recent years, more and more influential development organisations have been openly recognising the central role that adaptive management capacities – the ability to keep improving strategies and actions as programmes unfold – play for the success of complex interventions. As a result,...

13 November 2017


On doing the right thing right

If the assumptions and plans you established for your project prove to be wrong... how do you know which are the right things to do? And then, how do you make sure you do them right? You often need to learn very quickly about what works and what doesn’t in the context where you operate, and...

4 January 2017



Bridging Learning and Action: How Did CLARISSA’s Participatory Adaptive Management Approach Foster Innovation, Effectiveness, and Stakeholder Empowerment?

CLARISSA Research and Evidence Paper 10

This paper shares insights emerging from evaluating CLARISSA’s participatory adaptive management (PAM) practices, connecting them with current discussions on adaptive management. It provides an in-depth evaluation of CLARISSA’s PAM approach, exploring how adaptive strategies were implemented...

31 May 2024


Adaptive Management in SDC: Challenges and Opportunities

Adaptive management (AM) is a programme management approach that helps international development organisations to become more learning-oriented and more effective in addressing complex development challenges. AM practices have been applied for decades within other sectors as varied as...

17 February 2020