AgriDiet is an Irish Aid funded research programme consortium, led by University College Cork in Ireland. The overall goal of the programme is to contribute to poverty reduction through the identification of policies and interventions that can make a positive impact on the nutritional status of vulnerable rural households. This will be achieved through a multi-faceted programme of policy analysis, field research, training, information dissemination and stakeholder engagement.
The consortium consists of 8 partners; University College Cork (Ireland), Ethiopian Development Research Institute, Mekelle University (Ethiopia), Haramaya University (Ethiopia), Sokoine University (Tanzania), St Augustine University (Tanzania), University College Dublin (Ireland) and the Institute of Development Studies (UK).
The focus of the programme is on the linkages between agriculture and nutrition, with an aim to understand how agriculture impacts on the nutritional status of farming households in areas of high nutritional vulnerability and to identify development policies and interventions that can enhance this impact. The research will focus on Ethiopia and Tanzania, two countries which have high levels of undernutrition but which also have a strong focus in national policies on agricultural development.
This programme of research, policy analysis and stakeholder engagement is designed to substantially advance the understanding of nutrition-agriculture linkages in Ethiopia and Tanzania, and generate evidence-based policy recommendations.