
Designing a Grievance Mechanism and Exit Strategy for Zimbabwe’s Harmonized Social Cash Transfer Programme

In 2011 the Ministry of Public Services, Labor and Social Welfare, Government of Zimbabwe (MPSLSW) launched a social cash transfer programme, known as the Harmonised Social Cash Transfer (HSCT) for labour constrained extremely poor households.

Although the HSCT already has in place a number of accountability and control mechanisms, there is currently no complaints and grievance (C&G) mechanism, so there is no established structured mechanism for programme beneficiaries (or non-beneficiaries) to raise complaints and grievances about issues of non-compliance or abuse. The HSCT is also currently seeking to develop a clear policy regarding the exit/graduation criteria and support guidelines for exiting households in securing alternative sources of income or support. The Centre for Social Protection has been commissioned to design a grievance mechanism and an options paper for responsible exit of the HSCT.

Project details

start date
1 September 2015
end date
31 May 2016


Supported by

About this project

Programmes and centres
Centre for Social Protection