
Global Nutrition Report

The Global Nutrition Report aims to convene existing nutrition data and processes, highlight progress in improving nutrition status, outline areas for action, and contribute to stronger accountability for nutrition. It provides a fresh perspective on the prevalence of malnutrition, including both undernutrition and overnutrition, documents efforts to reduce it, and analyses the capacities and data needed to drive such efforts.

The Report brings together data on over 80 indicators covering economics and demography, child anthropometry, adolescent and adult nutrition status, intervention coverage, child-feeding practices, underlying determinants (food, education, gender, water, sanitation and government expenditure), as well as financial resources and policy, legislation and institutional arrangements for all 193 UN member states.

Delivered by an Independent Expert Group responsible for the quality and independence of the report’s content, the report is commissioned and guided by a high-level Stakeholder Group of governments, donor organisations, civil society, multilateral organisations and business. The Lancet, the premier peer-reviewed medical journal, managed the blind external review process for the report.

 The 2014 Global Nutrition Report was funded by UK Department for International Development, Government of Canada, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Children’s Investment Fund Foundation, European Commission, Irish Aid, 1,000 Days and Agriculture for Nutrition and Health, with additional donors coming on board for 2015. It was launched in November 2014 at the second International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2) in Rome. This launch formed the basis of a series of over 20 country and regional level engagement events around the world. The 2015 Global Nutrition Report will be launched in September 2015. 

IDS hosts the Secretariat for the Global Nutrition Report. 


Project details

start date
1 April 2014