
Marine Spatial Planning in Indonesia

This project, led by the Institute of Development Studies, in partnership with Ernst & Young and ABPmer, delivered a review and set of recommendations for informing Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) in Indonesia for the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) as part of The Global Trade Programme (GTP) under the Prosperity Fund (PF).

Indonesia’s marine resources are of fundamental economic, social, and environmental importance. There are significant challenges in managing these resources sustainably, including pressures from overfishing, coastal development, pollution and intrinsic complexity in managing resources across its many dispersed islands. To address these challenges, comprehensive marine spatial plans are being implemented at three levels – coastal, regional and national – however, these have not always achieved their expected impact.

The purpose of this research was to provide a comprehensive review of how previous MSP interventions, both in Indonesia and globally, have been implemented; outlining how stakeholders are involved, and who the beneficiaries of MSP are; understanding the potential impact of MSP on gender and inclusion, including local and indigenous communities; potential for trade and investments; and, effects on environmental outcomes.


In partnership with
Supported by
Ernst & Young

About this project

