
Making All Voices Count Practice Paper

Building an Ecosystem Around Data: Using Interactive Radio for Accountability to Farmers in Tanzania

Published on 1 February 2017

This practice paper discusses research by Farm Radio International to assess the effectiveness of one of its projects, the Listening Post, and to examine its potential as a tool for the adaptive management of agricultural programmes. The Listening Post combines specialised interactive radio broadcasts with in interactive voice response tool created for gathering and analysing feedback and questions from audience members.

The paper reflects on the challenges and opportunities provided by feedback models such as the Listening Post for improving inclusive and participatory agricultural development, and for advancing adaptive programme implementation based on feedback. It also discusses the potential of building on a tech-enabled feedback model to enable collective civic action for extension services that are responsive to the priorities of smallholder farmers.

Cite this publication

Feruglio, F. and Gilberds, H. (2017) Building an ecosystem around data: using Interactive radio for accountability to farmers in Tanzania, Making All Voices Count Practice Paper, Brighton: IDS.


Francesca Feruglio

Research Officer

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Feruglio, F. and Gilberds, H.


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