Child and maternal undernutrition is still prevalent in Bangladesh and poor dietary diversity is one of the major causes. While milk can contribute to nutritional requirements, currently availability in Bangladesh is 126ml/person/day, whereas recommended consumption is 250ml/person/day.
This case study was conducted to identify existing milk value chains and the milk consumption behaviour of poor people. Priority was given to women and children as they are the most vulnerable in both rural and urban areas. It was observed that both formal and informal value chains coexist where milk collectors and chilling centres have a lead role. At the household level, milk purchase decisions are usually taken by men in rural areas, whereas in urban areas women take part equally in the process. Government and private sector initiatives can play a role in increasing milk production and consumption through greater investment. Behavioural change communication is also vital to build awareness of milk consumption.
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This article comes from the IDS Bulletin 49.1 (2018) A Study on Milk Value Chain for the Poor in Bangladesh