Journal Article

IDS Bulletin 38.3

Broadening Social Risk Management: Risks, Rights and the Chronic Poor

Published on 1 May 2007

Social Risk Management (SRM) has had such influence on social policy in the South that Holzmann et al. (2003: 4–5) have been moved to write that ‘it is no exaggeration to say that the new SRM framework has become the reference point for the thinking
about [social protection] in a development context’.

Given this significance, it is perhaps surprising that rather few critiques have been articulated. Although SRM clearly represents an important and useful advance for social protection, we present three recommendations for further improvement.

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IDS Bulletin 38.3

Cite this publication

Guenther, B., Huda, K. and Macauslan, I. (2007) Broadening Social Risk Management: Risks, Rights and the Chronic Poor. IDS Bulletin 38(3): 17-19


Bruce Guenther
Ian Macauslan
Karishma Huda

Publication details

IDS Bulletin, volume 38, issue 3
