
IDS Policy Briefing 101

Developing More Effective Strategies for Sex Work, Law and Poverty

Published on 1 September 2015

The welfare of female sex workers in low-income countries has attracted significant attention in recent years. In line with human rights and development goals, advocacy focuses on decriminalisation of sex work, attaining economic rights, ending violence and improving sexual and reproductive health.

Recent studies by the IDS Sexuality, Poverty and Law programme have highlighted many of these issues and placed them within the wider context and discussion around sexuality and development. We call for further research and action in three key areas, where evidence is needed to drive feasible, effective and measurable initiatives that benefit sex workers, even in unfavourable legal, economic and social conditions.

Cite this publication

Overs, C. (2015) 'Developing More Effective Strategies for Sex Work, Law and Poverty', IDS Policy Briefing 101, Brighton: IDS

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published by
Overs, C
IDS Policy Briefing, issue 101


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Programmes and centres
Sexuality, Poverty and Law Programme

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