DFID’s infrastructure position paper states that ‘improved infrastructure service provision is crucial to delivering DFID’s economic and human development objectives’ (DFID 2013) This work includes energy, transport, water and sanitation, information communications technology (ICT), housing and urban infrastructure. Access to infrastructure enables people to take advantage of economic opportunities and access markets, jobs, information and training.
However, in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, many hundreds of millions of people still lack access to electricity, transport and water and sanitation and inadequate infrastructure is consistently identified as a major barrier to doing business. DFID’s recent infrastructure aims included: water, sanitation and hygiene programmes, building rural roads and providing sustainable energy services.
This report firstly discusses safeguarding issues (section 2). The report then goes on to discuss several infrastructure projects and the recommendations that have come from these to ensure good implementation of safeguarding policies (sections 3-8). The recommendations for good implementation are listed at the end of each section. Section 9 includes additional useful resources.