

Intellectual Disabilities, Violent Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance: Advocacy of the Forgotten

Published on 6 September 2013

This article examines the experiences of people with intellectual disabilities in violent conflict who have been neglected in practice and academia. Such invisibility, combined with the disabling impact of society, their low priority, and the nature of their impairments, results in a disproportionately negative impact of conflict on people with intellectual disabilities.

Drawing on a wide range of sources, including humanitarian workers, this article examines their experiences and analyses how much consideration has been given to people with intellectual disabilities in humanitarian assistance policy and practice in light of their increased need and vulnerability.

Lack of awareness and recognition of their diverse experiences can result in their needs failing to be adequately met, which compounds their disproportionately negative experience of conflict. It is important to finally start paying attention in order to ensure their inclusion in humanitarian responses.


Brigitte Rohwerder

Research Officer

Publication details

published by
Taylor and Francis
Rohwerder, B.
Disability & Society, volume 28, issue 6


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