Journal Article

IDS Bulletin 37.3

Internal Migration, Poverty and Development in Asia: Including the Excluded

Published on 1 July 2006

Internal migration has greater potential for poverty reduction, meeting the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and contributing to economic growth in developing countries than does international migration.

This is because of four things. First, internal migration stems from a broader base where smaller sums of money are evenly distributed to specific areas and poor families through internal remittances (rather than international remittances, which reach fewer people). Second, it is likely that internal migration will continue to increase at a faster rate than international migration.

Third, internal migration involves poorer people from poorer regions and has a strong role to play in achieving the MDGs. Fourth, it is an important driver of growth in many sectors including agriculture, manufacturing, construction, coastal economies and services.

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IDS Bulletin 37.3

Cite this publication

Deshingkar, P. (2006) Internal Migration, Poverty and Development in Asia: Including the Excluded. IDS Bulletin 37(3): 88-100


Priya Deshingkar

Publication details

Deshingkar, Priya
IDS Bulletin, volume 37, issue 3


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