
IDS Bulletin Vol. 41 Nos. 6

Overview: Getting a More Balanced View of What is Working in Agriculture to Reduce Hunger

Published on 1 November 2010

This article suggests that to understand better what is working in agriculture in order to reduce hunger, a strengthening and transformation of monitoring and evaluation (M&E) in agricultural research and development is needed. It presents the Agricultural Learning and Impacts Network (ALINe) as the initiative that has commissioned this IDS Bulletin , reflecting aspects of the current status and role of M&E, how it can be strengthened and ultimately transformed, and some of the reasons for why such change is possible. ALINe argues that asking farmers about their priorities, and what is and is not working and embedding this data into performance management systems is vital for improving accountability, value for money and the impact of agricultural development on people’s lives. The article also introduces the other articles in this collection and commentaries on them by Southern practitioners and specialists.

Cite this publication

Pinto, Y. (2010) Overview: Getting a More Balanced View of What is Working in Agriculture to Reduce Hunger. IDS Bulletin 41(6): 1-5
