Working Paper

IDS working papers;122

Practitioners’ Critical Reflections on PRA and Participation in Nepal

Published on 1 January 2001

The paper presents a diversity of views held by Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) practitioners in Nepal about the history of PRA, the challenges facing PRA practice and participation in development today, and the ways forward for participation in the future. It is intended to provoke further discussion and reflection about PRA by making this diversity of views available to a wider audience.

The paper begins by explaining the Nepali context into which PRA has been introduced, then it presents the views of practitioners about PRA as a tool for use within the project cycle framework, including its strengths and weaknesses when used in this way. Finally, practitioners raise three key challenges for the future of PRA practice in Nepal: continuing innovation; improving learning and training about PRA; and critical reflection on PRA as a means for further learning and improving.

Publication details

published by
Pratt, Garett
IDS Working Paper, issue 122
1 85864 338 4


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