Religious doctrine shapes and informs decision-making at the individual and collective levels, and sexuality and gender rights advocates must therefore work with faith-based organisations and religious activists to challenge harmful and discriminatory sexuality and gender norms and practices.
The Religion, Gender and Sexuality workshop provided a space for faith leaders and those engaging with faith institutions to discuss successes, challenges and learning around sexual diversity and gender justice. In sharing their knowledge and experience, and through a range of facilitated discussions on the themes discussed in this report, the participants were able to collectively build on their knowledge, skills and awareness linked to gender and sexuality.
Given the rise of religious activism in civil society, the political arena and in law- and policymaking, it has become imperative to offer training to organisations and individuals who work in the religious/faith-based sector on issues of gender and human rights-based approaches.
With the support of Institute of Development Studies (IDS) and the University of Witwatersrand’s Wits Centre for Diversity Studies (WiCDS) the workshop sought to provide members of faith communities across Africa with the knowledge to advocate for sexuality and gender equality and human rights. The workshop was hosted by: Sonke Gender Justice, MenEngage Africa, Institute of Development Studies and Wits Centre for Diversity Studies.