
BASIC Research Research Briefing 2

Researching Capacities to Sustain Social Protection in Protracted Crises. Part 2: Early Findings

Published on 6 March 2024

Despite significant attention and interest in shock-responsive social protection, a knowledge gap exists when it comes to our understanding of how to sustain capacity to deliver existing social programmes and systems in situations of climate and/or conflict crisis.

BASIC Research is using a new tool that we have developed – the Capacity Cube – to explore this question and identify ways in which external actors might support the resilience of those systems and programmes. An explanation of the Capacity Cube framework is provided in an accompanying briefing (Slater 2024). The current briefing focuses on early findings emerging from research using the tool in Nigeria, Iraq, and Syria.

Cite this publication

Slater, R. (2024) ‘Researching Capacities to Sustain Social Protection in Protracted Crises. Part 2: Early Findings’, BASIC Research Research Briefing 2, Brighton: Institute of Development Studies, DOI: 10.19088/BASIC.2024.002


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Institute of Development Studies


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Iraq Nigeria Syria

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