Journal Article

Seeing Change in Urban Informal Settlements with Social Network Analysis

Published on 1 April 2021

This paper examines the changes to social networks of people living in seven informal settlements in Raipur, India, who, in line with the “Indian Alliance” model of community organising, worked with NGO partners to form local associations in their settlements. These associations were meant to help the participants and their fellow settlement residents to access more secure housing through the Rajiv Awas Yojana (RAY) policy. This paper presents findings from a quantitative social network analysis, demonstrating the impact of the organising efforts in reshaping their relationship structures and strengthening their agency. These findings were tested for resonance and further fleshed out with qualitative details by going through the analysis with participants. Finally, this paper offers reflections on incorporating technical research methods into organizing and action research interventions, affirming the notion that people living in informal settlements are well placed to generate and make use of sophisticated data on their own communities and cities.


Eric Kasper

Research consultant

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published by
Sage Journals
Kasper, Eric


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