Participatory approaches to complex social issues like child labour
The praxis of child participation
This seminar critically reflects on the praxis of children’s participation in a five-year programme tackling the worst forms of child...
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Participatory approaches to complex social issues like child labour
This seminar critically reflects on the praxis of children’s participation in a five-year programme tackling the worst forms of child...
Participatory approaches to complex social issues like child labour
CLARISSA responded to the complex challenge of child labour through a deliberate and participatory approach to adaptive management. But...
Participatory approaches to complex social issues like child labour
This webinar articulates the research findings of a large participatory programme on Worst Forms of Child Labour in Bangladesh and Nepal...
Participatory approaches to complex social issues like child labour
Chain Reaction is a documentary film that explores a ground-breaking approach to Participatory Action Research where children working in...
18 June 2024
Child Labour: Action-Research-Innovation in South and South-Eastern Asia (CLARISSA) is hosting a series of online events in July to...
These series of events looks at the research findings from the IDS-hosted project Child Labour: Action-Research-Innovation in South and...
21 May 2024
Published by: Institute of Development Studies
This research paper explores the findings from semi-structured interviews with business owners operating enterprises involved in leather processing and production across three prominent neighbourhoods and business districts in and around Dhaka, Bangladesh.
19 July 2021
Published by: Institute of Development Studies
This mapping of children in the worst forms of child labour (WFCL) in the leather sector of Bangladesh was conducted in May–August 2020. WFCL are not always obvious and, without better understanding of where, why and how it is happening, the exploitation and abuse of children in the workforce in Bangladesh will continue.