Past Event

Participatory and Inclusive Tools to build capacities in Leaving No One Behind

11 July 2019 10:00–12:00

United Nations Headquarters NYC Conference Room 5

SDGs Learning, Training and Practice Workshops during HLPF 2019

Bringing the voices and experiences of those who have been left behind – through empowerment and participation – goes beyond enabling agency and towards developing a more inclusive and democratic society. Come to listen to and discuss about recent tested methodological approaches and tools used in participatory research and programmes aiming to contribute to the ‘whole of society’ approach to follow up and review, ensuring broad inclusion of traditionally excluded groups to deliver the pledge to ‘leave no one behind’.

Opening segment highlighting several approaches for engaging marginalized communities as well as other stakeholders (such as governments, UN agencies and others) in participatory and inclusive practices.

Contributions from:

  • Dr. Rachel Bray, Research Associate, Dept of Social Policy and Intervention, Oxford University
  • Erika López Franco, Participation, Inclusion and Social Change Research Cluster, Institute of Development Studies
  • Oli Henman, Action for Sustainable Development
  • Peter Koblowsky, International Civil Society and Huong Phuong Thao, ActionAid Vietnam.

The second segment of the workshop will present case studies as well as practical tools to empower and enable participation of traditionally excluded groups.

Contributions from:

  • Dr. Elizabeth Lockwood, CBM and Maegan Shanks, Gallaudet University: Introduction to Deaf culture, International Sign and the SDGs
  • Roxana Petrona Quispe Yujra and Sophie Boyer, ATD Fourth World Bolivia
  • Beckie Malay, Global Call to Action against Poverty – GCAP India
  • Annie Namala and Edwin Jayakumar, Wada Na todo Abhiyaan.

Register here

Key contacts

James Andrews

Communications and Marketing


HLPF Flyer PDF, 320 KB


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