Past Event

Inclusive trade

Trade Policy for Sustainable and Inclusive Agriculture

2 February 2023 12:00–13:00


Nowhere are the links between sustainable and inclusive international trade more visible than in agriculture. Agricultural commodities account for a significant share of exports in many developing countries, and agricultural global value chains facilitate the exchange of products, ideas, and talent across countries, including through South-South cooperation for trade. Yet, trade in agriculture is often reliant on unsustainable methods of production, misaligned to tackling hunger, inadequate in its support for decent farmer livelihoods, with negative climate and environmental impacts.

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This seminar discusses the role of trade policy in providing a powerful set of levers that can contribute to accelerating a transition to more inclusive and sustainable agriculture. The seminar is sixth in the IDS seminar series on inclusive trade.


Anna Sands, Worldwide Fund for Nature UK

Anna Sands is a Senior Policy Advisor at WWF-UK, specialising in trade. She works on the UK’s new independent trade policy, and how to make it greener and more equitable.


Professor Pierluigi Montalbano, Sapienza University of Rome and Chair Holder of the Jean Monnet Chair on “Rethinking EU Trade Policy for Development”.

David Saddington, Team Leader: Sustainable Supply Chains, International Forests Unit (BEIS and FCDO)


Amrita Saha, Institute of Development Studies

Interested in finding out more about inclusive and sustainable trade? Take a look at our short course ‘Making Trade Policy Inclusive’


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