
Amber Huff

Amber Huff

Research Fellow

Dr Amber Huff is a Research Fellow in the Resource Politics and Environmental Change Research Cluster and coordinator of the Centre for Future Natures.

Overall, her research asks questions about value, ethics, representation and justice in a changed and changing world. Her work explores evolving ecologies of crisis, commons and enclosures and engages with the global politics of environmental change and its linkages with new technologies and techniques of conservation and environmental management, natural resource conflicts and people’s struggles for justice and efforts to lead satisfying lives and build better futures. She has conducted research Madagascar, Kenya, South Africa, the Southern United States and the United Kingdom.

Google Scholar



Centre for Future Natures

A networking and research initiative that aims to share and amplify stories and knowledge from the spaces, movements and struggles for the commons and against enclosures. Through research, arts, storytelling and networking, Future Natures explores the relationships, practices and values...


System Change Hive

The System Change HIVE will explore and communicate visions of better lives to inform public thinking and work towards fairer systems that safeguard life-support systems and prioritise well-being and justice.




Reframing Climate and Environmental Justice

IDS Bulletin 53.4

Despite a growing focus on the justice dimensions of climate and environmental change, this issue of the IDS Bulletin argues that there are still ‘blind spots’ in dominant mainstream approaches to climate and environmental justice. These approaches share a tendency to place growth, not...

12 December 2022

Journal Article

Resource Warfare, Pacification and the Spectacle of ‘Green’ Development: Logics of Violence in Engineering Extraction in Southern Madagascar

Political Geography;Volume 81, August 2020, 102195

Bringing political ecology's concern with the critical politics of nature and resource violence into dialogue with key debates in political geography, critical security studies and research on the geographies and phenomenology of violence and warfare, this paper explores strategies ‘from...

Yvonne Orengo

1 August 2020

Journal Article

The New Politics and Geographies of Scarcity

Scarcity is a dangerous idea and has long been a totalising discourse in resource politics and mainstream economics. A large body of work has critiqued the naturalisation of scarcity in discourses of environmental change, and has highlighted problems in how scarcity is conceptualised and the...

Lyla Mehta
Lyla Mehta & 2 others

1 May 2019

Amber Huff’s recent work

Press release

IPCC reports on climate mitigation

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has today published its  Sixth Assessment Report on the mitigation of climate change. Written by leading climate scientists from around the world, it details the progress made in limiting global emissions and the available mitigation...

7 April 2022


IPCC reports on climate mitigation

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has today published its  Sixth Assessment Report on the mitigation of climate change. Written by leading climate scientists from around the world, it details the progress made in limiting global emissions and the available mitigation options...

4 April 2022


Reframing climate and environmental justice: Online first articles

These four articles below are taken from the forthcoming IDS Bulletin which calls for a reframing of climate – and broader environmental – justice debates. The full issue will be published in early 2022, but these 'online first articles' argue that achieving meaningful action on the climate...

26 October 2021