
E-Commerce in Developing Countries: Impacts, Obstacles and Policies

Business to Business (B2B) e-commerce promises a radical shift in the way in which enterprises trade with each other. How will this affect agricultural producers and manufacturers in developing countries? Will it open new and cheap access to global markets? Or, conversely, will it entrench the power of global buyers? Or will developing country producers find themselves marginalised by e-commerce trading relationships that depend upon not only sophisticated communication technologies, but also efficient logistics systems, payment systems and certification? IDS research sought to answer these questions.

Key contacts

John Humphrey

Professorial Fellow

Project details

start date
1 January 2001
end date
31 December 2002



Recent work


The Reality of E-Commerce with Developing Countries

Business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce is widely believed to promise a radical change in the way that firms trade with one another. B2B e-commerce applications are being promoted as tools that will enable producer firms in developing countries to reduce their costs substantially, thereby easing...

John Humphrey
John Humphrey & 3 others

1 March 2003


E-commerce in the Garment Industry in Kenya: Usage, Obstacles and Policies

Information and communication technologies (ICTs) have the potential to make vast amounts of information available to users located in various parts of the world and to facilitate rapid communication between them. One application of these technologies is in the development of ‘e-commerce’ to...

1 January 2002