
Learning and Teaching for Transformation

This initiative was established with the aim to enhance the capacity of institutions of higher learning to develop and deliver effective education programmes that contribute to a wider transformation of individuals, institutions and society.

The initiative is of interest to those involved directly in education as collaborators in a mutual learning process, to members of organisations and institutions in partnership with education providers, to policymakers and those who guide and support teaching and learning throughout the education system. It is especially relevant to those involved in the preparation of individuals for engagement in fields such as development, governance and citizenship, and within sectors that aim to bring about personal and social change.

The dialogue strives for collective ownership, whilst providing a network of support to participation, collaboration and community development across and within all levels of the education system. It advocates forms of learning that are grounded in the principles and practices of participatory development and action research, and seeks to encourage these forms through the sharing and generation of both theory and practice.

Key contacts

Project details

start date
17 February 2003
end date
28 November 2009


Recent work