
Participation and Development Relations

The three year Participation and Development Relations (PDR) Programme is currently in a 12 month transition phase during which time the team, in collaboration with its networks and partners as well as current/future donors, is developing a new five year programme of research, capacity development and communications for greater social justice, realising rights and supporting the empowerment of those living in poverty.

The team has been re-framing its vision that builds on a unique track record of supporting and developing participatory approaches that respond to local context and bridge operational practice with academic research and policy change. As part of this vision and developing this new programme of work, the team are concentrating on the following areas during the transition phase:

  1. Exploring and identifying approaches for a collaborative network of researchers, communicators and practitioners (including donors) to develop concepts, methods and strategies for strengthening capacity relating to power, participation and social change in the current international development environment.
  2. Establishing a global, collaborative initiative called the Participation Alliance with the aim of identifying, documenting and sharing innovations in participatory methods and practice.
  3. Working in-country with our partners to develop local networks of reflective development practitioners which includes the active involvement of Sida and/or SDC staff.

Key contacts

Project details

start date
1 October 2009
end date
30 September 2010


Recent work


The Politics of Rights: Dilemmas for Feminist Praxis

Since the late 1990s, development institutions have increasingly used the language of rights in their policy and practice. This special issue on feminist perspectives on politics of rights explores the strategies, tensions and challenges associated with ?rights work? in a variety of settings....

10 August 2018


Revolutions in Development Inquiry

This book draws together and reviews the revolutionary changes in the methodologies and methods of development inquiry that have occurred in the past forty years, and reflects on their transformative potential for the future. It is for all who seek to be abreast of these revolutionary...

10 August 2018


The Beast of Bureaucracy and Other Tales from Valhalla

This little book tells the tale of an unusual organisational learning process in Valhalla, a Nordic development bureaucracy. Known for being a people-friendly development partner, Valhalla was one of the first bilateral donor agencies to promote people's participation in development. But for...

1 January 2007


Exploring Power for Change

IDS Bulletin 37.6

Concepts and methods of participation' are used increasingly to shape policy and deliver services. Such approaches throw new light on complex interactions within and between society and state institutions at all levels.

1 November 2006